Planets Data

Data about the planets of our solar system (Planetary facts taken from Nasa's Planetary Fact Sheet - Metric).
Name Mass (1024kg) Diameter (km) Density (kg/m3) Gravity (m/s2) Length of day (hours) Distance from Sun (106km) Mean temperature (°C) Number of moons Notes Image
Terrestial planets Mercury 0.330 4,879 5427 3.7 4222.6 57.9 167 0 Closest to the Sun mercury slightly coved by shadow
Venus 4.87 12,104 5243 8.9 2802.0 108.2 464 0 Image of venus the right side is shadowd
Earth 5.97 12,756 5514 9.8 24.0 149.6 15 1 Our world Earth with the focus being on Africa
Mars 0.642 6,792 3933 3.7 24.7 227.9 -65 2 The red planet Image of mars in all of its glory. The edges are slightly obscured
Jovian planets Gas giants Jupiter 1898 142,984 1326 23.1 9.9 778.6 -110 67 The largest planet Image of Jupiter and the focus is on one of the major storms that is constantly raging on Jupiter
Saturn 568 120,536 687 9.0 10.7 1433.5 -140 62 Image of Saturn. We can see the rings cutting through the image, but can not get a scale as to how large the rings are
Ice giants Uranus 86.8 51,118 1271 8.7 17.2 2872.5 -195 27 Image of uranus showing its blank collor and almost unreal shade
Neptune 102 49,528 1638 11.0 16.1 4495.1 -200 14 Image of neptune and its dark almost navy or royal blue shades. there are some blemishes that can be seen
Dwarf planets Pluto 0.0146 2,370 2095 0.7 153.3 5906.4 -225 5 Declassified as a planet in 2006, but this remains controversial. Image of Pluto with three main shades of brown that cover the surface